I feel like Jennifer Aniston gets kind of a hard time of it from blogs, as well as the media (who is always trying to paint her as some tragic shell of a woman). I, on the other hand, have always liked her. I’ve thought she was also pretty. No, she isn’t the most gorgeous woman in the world, but she is by no means an ugly person. So, I will be one of the few internet bloggers to have some nice things to say about our favorite friend and chose her as today’s Celebrity Spotlight.

Here is Jen’s first appearance since her nose job (which I love how you can’t really tell a difference, but you kind of can. That it is just subtle). I think this top is something really cute to wear out shopping, or to the beach or a picnic during Spring or Summer. I love the muted colors of her scarf and top as well.

Here we have two of our Celebrity Spotlights in one picture. I think Jen is definitely outshining Reese a little in this picture with her sleek black look, which Jen seems to love wearing.

Jennifer also seems to be a fan of the muted colors, as we’ve already seen her in them once before in this piece. I think this is a really flattering look that most of us could pull off, no matter the size of our waist, or bank account. Its perfect for those still-kind-of-cool spring nights.

I think this is such a classy look. It’s perfect for the office. I hope I can find something similar to wear to my own job.
Now, on to the more interesting clothing she chose to wear to events…

I’m starting off with this one because even though it’s black, it’s not very typical of what we usually see her in. I love that she took a chance and tried something a little different, cause she looks pretty fabulous. She really does have a great body.

I don’t think this is the most flattering dress she’s ever worn, but it’s still a pretty dress. Partly this isn’t the best photograph of the dress. It has a nice flow-y look that I like.

This is a classic Jennifer Aniston look. She seems to really love the strapless black (or navy) dresses. I came across quite a few. Here’s another one:

She looks good in them, so at least it’s not a hideous look she returns to on more than one occasion.
I’m having a really hard time picking my favorite dress for her. Not because there aren’t any great ones. It’s the contrary, there are three that I really like/love. So…I think I’m just going to post all three of them here. They are all great for different reasons really. Here are my top three dresses, in no particular order:

I absolutely love the top of this dress.

I love the fabric, and the cut of this dress. The movement of it while she walks is great. The top of the dress really shows off the great shoulders/upper body that Jen has.

Normally I’m not a fan of the cut out sides, but on this dress I think it works really well. It’s a little bit of a departure from what we usually see, which is a more tailored/structured look. I love the lines of this dress, as well as the color.
And as always, even the lovely Jennifer Aniston isn’t perfect:

This looks like something my mom would possibly buy me back in the early 90s. But even then, I don’t know that I ever had anything that bad.